



Page 15    "Talking It Over" by Glenn Ford

Ever seem like what you’re asking for is not coming to past? Now of course I’m referring to “Christians” who pray. Remember when, and I can attest to this myself and I have witnessed it In countless others, and that is when you first became a believer how God started blessing you with material, physical and financial blessings, how delighted you were; but at times it seems like your life was or is on hold and any previous blessings were just a streak of pure luck. I’ve been there. Hold on to your faith.
All Jesus’ miracles were perform basically to gain our trust and prove that he was who he said he was.
Our Father (God) basically does the same thing mostly in the beginning of our deliverance because of our carnality, our immediate desires that are worldly, material, physical and financial. To keep your attention and build your trust God has to first give you what you think you need and want. The things that you need which are Spiritual are not the norm, but are things that you need to learn and practice. These Spiritual lessons are not common, natural or popular, but you are to seek and wait on them.
Actually God is putting the Cart before the horse for you while he wins your trust in him; making it easier for you to accept it when he reveals to you the understanding of this: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." When he has your trust you will not loose your faith when it comes time to practice “HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS .” Even our Lord Jesus Christ said “And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord,...”

Don’t backslide, don’t let evil arise in your heart thinking the Lord is not going to bless you. Don’t smite others and start eating and drinking daily with the drunken, getting angry at life itself, but just keep the faith you had when you were able to recognized His blessings. He hasn’t gone anywhere.
Chalk it up as a test, a teaching, a correction, a strengthening, and in most cases a blessing on its way. Remain faithful cause he wants to continue blessing you.

YOU KNOW HIM! “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” “Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live , ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.”
          ***********WAIT ON THE LORD**********

Copyright © 2019 Glenn Ford